we got all these so called fucking fans that come out, that are Cub fans that are supposed to be behind you ripping every fucking thing you do, I'll tell you one fucking thing I hope we get fucking hotter than shit just to stuff it up them three thousand fucking people that show up every fucking day. Because if they're the real Chicago fucking fans they can kiss my fucking ass right downtown and PRINT IT!

They're really really behind you around here, my fucking ass

what the fuck am I supposed to do go out there and let my fucking players get destroyed everyday and be quiet about it for the fucking nickel dime people that show up? the mother fuckers don't even work, thats why they're out at the fucking game. they oughta go out and get a fuckin job and find out what it's like to go out and earn a fucking living. 85% of the fucking world's working, the other 15 come out here.
It's a fucking playground for them cocksuckers.

Rip them mother fuckers rip them fucking cocksuckers like the fucking players

you got guys bustin their fuckin ass and these people boo and thats the cubs? my fuckin ass